
Rock Bar Rock It Sofia

Molta ag 10 nduine áitiúla,
Dúnta go buan
14 ul. "Georgi Benkovski"
Sofia, Sofia City Province
Sofia Center

Leideanna ó mhuintir na háite

June 15, 2015
Unusual place for the decoration, music 100% Rock
February 6, 2017
Rock bar with often live music. Very popular
October 29, 2015
The biggest rock/metal bar. There is a live music scene with excellent equipment. Each of the halls is designed in a different style that meets the diverse genres of rock and metal music.
April 11, 2015
A good vibe next street.

Rudaí uathúla le déanamh in aice láimhe

Turas Cumannach Sóifia
Ag fánaíocht chuig na Seven Rila Lakes
Blaiseadh fíona & cáise ón mBulgáir

Molta ag muintir na háite freisin