Láthair inspéise

Jerry Schmidt

Molta ag 1 duine áitiúil,
15315 Waterloo Rd
Cleveland, OH
North Collinwood

Leideanna ó mhuintir na háite

November 17, 2021
Super cool, unique and creative sculptures. You’ll see his work all over, and particularly, there’s a piece In the front yard of the next doorneighbor to the south of the AirBnB at 382 E. 156. Jerry is an interesting guy and definitely worth a visit to his shop.

Jerry Schmidt le hEispéiris Airbnb

Cuir aithne ar an sainchomhartha íocónach seo trí Eispéiris Airbnb, gníomhaíochtaí i ngrúpaí beaga faoi stiúir mhuintir na háite
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