Cá dtiocfaidh mé ar mo thuilleamh Airbnb chun críocha cánach?
Whether you need detailed information on a specific transaction or a static report, you can find your earnings at any time from your Airbnb account.
It's your responsibility to determine what, from your total amount earned, to report as taxable income on your tax return. We encourage you to consult a tax advisor if you need assistance deducting any non-taxable income.
Earnings dashboard
You can filter both upcoming and paid payouts by payout method (only for paid payouts), listings, date, month, and year from your earnings dashboard. Your earnings dashboard includes paid and upcoming transactions, along with an option to access gross earnings by clicking Get report.
Learn more about how to use your earnings dashboard.
Yearly earnings report (US-only)
All transactions paid out in a calendar year are included in your yearly earnings summary, including both net and gross earnings. Gross earnings include any withholdings or adjustments that may have reduced payouts throughout the year. These amounts can be useful for income tax reporting purposes. Your yearly earnings summary will be available for the relevant year at the end of January.
At this time, your yearly earnings summary is only available for display in USD. If you received payouts in other currencies, your yearly earnings summary will display the exchange rate that was locked in on the date that the transaction took place.
Míreanna gaolmhara
- Óstach
Doiciméid chánach ó Airbnb
Ag brath ar stádas do chuntais, ar an eolas cáiníocóra a chuir tú faoi bhráid Airbnb, agus ar thosca eile, d'fhéadfá foirm chánach a fháil ó… - Óstach
Cad iad na costais atá asbhainteach ó m'ioncam Airbnb mar óstach fanachta?
D'fhéadfadh cíos, morgáiste, táillí glantacháin, coimisiúin chíosa, árachas agus costais eile a bheith san áireamh i míreanna asbhainte. - Óstach
Faigh do thuilleamh
Is féidir leat stádas do thuillimh a sheiceáil agus eolas mionsonraithe ar do thuilleamh a athbhreithniú ó do dheais tuillimh.