Taispeánfar moltaí i ndiaidh duit an t-ionchur cuardaigh a chlóscríobh. Úsáid na saigheada suas agus síos chun athbhreithniú a dhéanamh. Úsáid Iontráil chun roghnú. Más frása é an roghnúchán, cuirfear an frása sin isteach lena chuardach. Más nasc é an moladh, nascleanfaidh an brabhsálaí chuig an leathanach sin.
Téarmaí dlí

Tuairisciú CCPA

USA Reporting

The following includes the aggregate metrics between January 1 and December 31, 2023.

  • Number of “request to know” received, complied with in whole or in part, or denied: 34,633
  • Number of “requests to delete” received, complied with in whole or in part, or denied: 144,069
  • Average Number of days taken to substantially respond to request to know or delete: 0.57 day (~14 hours)

    We take the privacy of our community seriously and verification of these requests are important. Requests may be unable to be completed due to factors such as an inability to verify a user’s request, transactional, security, legal compliance, and error reasons.* 

    Faigh cabhair le d'áirithintí, do chuntas, agus rudaí eile.
    Logáil isteach nó cláraigh